How do you build wealth? According to Rich Dad Poor Dad,, Warren Buffett and financial life coaches everywhere, locking all your money away in the bank is NOT the way to do it. They may have different roads to get there, but there is one agreed path that makes little sense. Now we are […]
If you happen to be involved in the business of kittens or coffee cups (aka, pet care product distributor or café operator), accounting often fades into the back of your mind. Nonetheless, your accounting validates your business achievements. So resolve to follow the money this year. We know… resolutions are hard to keep. As the year moves […]
Email the Forgotten King

The trend these days is to have a facebook page or a twitter account that people can like or follow you, which by any reasonable measure is a good thing, or so it seems on the surface. But it had me thinking about a few questions… Who really owns your fans, followers, or potential customers? […]

In an unexpected move, that has caught everyone off guard and by MEGA surprise, Digicel acquires Claro Jamaica. What could this buyout/merger mean, as it stands now it raises more questions than answers for ICT industry. What do we stand to gain or loose. Will iPhone become available to the masses, is this the beginning of the end of […]

If you haven’t been paying attention billionaire Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) is suing Apple, Google, Facebook, AOL, eBay, Netflix, Yahoo!, Staples, OfficeMax, Office Depot, and YouTube over patent infringements. “A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state (national government) to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of […]